Our mission is to uncover innovative ideas, inspiring stories,
and actionable insights to leave a sustainable legacy.
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Indie Flower
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We don't pretend to know it all. Along with interesting articles and features, we would like to share new ideas, developments and thoughts from the industry. Ways that we can solve some of the problems and challenges facing the industry.
Circulated to 4000 funeral directors across the UK. An online edition is available.
The magazine is high quality A4, portrait and printed on recycled or waste paper.
Lifting the Lid will be published quarterly - Winter, Spring, Summer & Autumn. There are some advertising opportunities in Lifting the lid, Advertising rates start from £140 - a great place to showcase environmental services and products. For more information contact us.
We are at the very beginning of our journey, and we'll be showing the magazine at the
Good Funeral Awards,
Saturday 23rd September 2023.
Come and see us at the Lifting the Lid stand (part of Lifelia), we are super excited to be there! A copy of the launch edition is opposite.
This isn't just about coffins and caskets, it's about lifting the lid on an essential conversation that effects every facet of our lives - our environment. We need to look to ways to make change - however small.
Each magazine we'll endeavour to get leading industry innovators and voices to comment. In this launch edition, we hear from leading lights in the industry Fran Hall, CEO of the Good Funeral Guide, Sarah Jones Director at Full Circle Funerals, Planet Mark's CEO, and our very own Rob Farfort, owner of Lifelia Ltd.
What it looks like. We'll discover what the scientists are saying. Can we achieve Net Zero, and what are other industries doing - always good to think outside the box.
We see this as a real platform to advertise environmentally sound services and products. To showcase to funeral directors and other key members in the industry what's available.